Personal Projects

Personal Projects

Chapter One: The Call

It’s one thing to have an idea, it’s another to act on it.

When approached with the idea of storytelling, I jumped at the idea. Little did I know what it would take to make my ideas come to life, let alone make them worth while.

Chapter Two: The Visuals

My friend Kaden agreed to help me out with this first project. 

Photoshop, framing, and clear communication, and how to do those well was and is a struggle. 



Alek Fehlmann and I partnered together to make a Noir mystery about the disaperance  of sound, but in a comical manner. 

Chapter Three: The Audio

Part two of this tale deals with Audio mixing. This chapter starts off with the third project: A tale about me, my sister, and a haunted graveyard with trauma analysis at the end. 

I sat down with my friend Makenna to talk about her experience working on the 2023 IWU Theatre Guild show “Beauty and the Beast”

Shortly after the intervew was compelted, I took to Adobe Audtion and made a sound scape, learning from the Graveyard Narrative. 

Chapter Four: Combining Audio and Visual

After combining the interview audio with sound effects, the next step was to add pictures. This however, was harder said than done. I had to readust the audio levels and attempt to make a tech rehersal look like the story Makenna told. 

This is the last project for my class. In which I talk to my brother about his Senior year show. 

Chapter Five: Developments Incoming